Expired News - Nor'easter bears down on U.S. East Coast, now threatens Newfoundland - The Weather Network
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Strong winds and heavy rain hammered parts of Massachusetts Thursday. Now that same system can bring similar conditions to Newfoundland.

Nor'easter bears down on U.S. East Coast, now threatens Newfoundland

Dalia Ibrahim
Digital Reporter

Friday, October 24, 2014, 10:44 AM - Strong winds and heavy rain hammered parts of Massachusetts Thursday.

As much as 127 mm of rain fell, bringing down trees and power lines. the boston globe reports more than 10-thousand customers lost power this morning. 

The National Weather Service has a wind advisory and hazardous weather outlook in effect for much of the state. 

That same system also brought heavy rains and strong winds to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick: 

Rains will ease through the day across the Maritimes, as the system tracks into Newfoundland.

A special weather statement has been issued by Environment Canada where generally 30 to 50 mm of rain can be expected by the end of the day Saturday. 

Be sure to check back as we continue to monitor this developing storm. 

Monitor our ALERTS page for updated watches and warnings.

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