Expired News - Only in Australia: Kangaroos caught having a street boxing match - The Weather Network
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Apparently kangaroo street fighting is a very real thing in Australia.

Only in Australia: Kangaroos caught having a street boxing match

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    Cheryl Santa Maria
    Digital Reporter

    Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 3:02 PM -

    Apparently kangaroo street fighting is a very real thing in Australia.

    Check out one of YouTube's more recent viral hits, featuring a pair of kangaroos duking it out on a residential street somewhere in Australia.

    The uploader doesn't provide much context to the video -- such as where in the country, or when, it was shot.

    RELATED: Honking cat takes YouTube by storm

    Male kangaroos typically display aggressive behaviour when arguing over a female or protecting their territory.

    So far, the clip has been viewed more than 1 million times.

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