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A deer with 'vampire'-like teeth has been spotted for the first time in 66 years.

Fanged deer spotted in Afghanistan for the first time in 66 years

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Thursday, November 6, 2014, 8:48 PM - A deer with 'vampire'-like teeth has been spotted in unforested regions of northeastern Afghanistan for the first time in 66 years, according to a recent survey team led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).

The deer -- which is called a Kashmir musk deer -- is one of seven similar species present in Asia. The last time it was spotted in the area was in 1948, by a Danish survey team.

The species is considered endangered largely due to over-hunting.

The scent glands of the Kashmir musk deer fetch high prices on the black market -- as much as $45,000/kilo, according to WCS.

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WCS recorded five sightings during its recent survey: A solitary male on three occasions, a female with a juvenile and a solitary female, which may have been the same deer.

They note that the animals were difficult to spot.

“Musk deer are one of Afghanistan’s living treasures,” Peter Zahler of WCS  says in a statement.

“This rare species, along with better known wildlife such as snow leopards, are the natural heritage of this struggling nation. We hope that conditions will stabilize soon to allow WCS and local partners to better evaluate conservation needs of this species.”  

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